Monday, September 13, 2004

Starting Point..

Lotovans. Ducharans. Kohavi. Phalphins. Kelsaxons. And a race called humanity.

All share a universe full of wonder and mystery. Shortcuts in space allows for the expansion of colonies from all races. But a recently concluded 600 year long war has revealed vulnerabilities in both the passage ways throughout populated regions of space, as well as the fragile alliance formed by the "victors" of the war.

A new space race has begun. Will humanity master the technology and lead the races to a new era of cooperation and peace, or will it lose and face obscurity, or worse, extinction?


Welcome to the new science fiction series known as beyond Elsewhere, created by me. The first novel, A Crescendo of Color, will be completed sometime this calendar year. Follow this blog for updates and track the insights behind the creation of this lifelong literary project of mine. Expect sneak peeks, illuminations of various backgrounds, and the occasional surprise.

It should be fun. ::wink::

Bryan Wicks


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